Sometimes life is not easy for all of us, it can be because of 1000 different reasons, and THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT WHY. The big issue here is to focus on the good things and our important targets in life. Our time and our energy are limited — Make sure to control your feeling as much as you can and focus on the important things in your life. People will try to bring you down all the time, failures will feel like the end of the world, life will bring you difficult moments. You must understand — it’s part of the game. GAME of Life. Breaking down is the easiest thing. There is a huge advantage to a person who is also his disadvantage — a point of view on events in life and the response to them of course. 2 people can be in the same situation — one will see evil and the other will see the good gift of it. One will see the problem and the other will see the opportunity. One will see the beauty and the other will see the ugly. Almost everything that happens to you in life — you can see the good and learn from it — OR you can see the bad and hurt yourself. The easiest thing is to see the bad — we like to complain. The main question is — what do you gain from it? There are important things in life and things unimportant — Choose what you want to focus on. The important things in the end are positive emotions. Money has no value without those feelings. And these feelings have tremendous value even without money. Back to Reality — Money will help you experience more positive emotions and will keep you from feeling negative (not entirely — but in a lot of cases). Ultimately the point of view is the main thing for your happiness, Yes. You have to earn a certain amount of money to be happy — but that doesn’t mean being a millionaire. Professor I appreciate (Yoram Yovell) talks about this issue in a deep mode, He says — above a certain amount of money — your happiness will not change (and believe me that the amount is slightly above average). I’m not here to tell you to aim low, I’m here to tell you to control your mind and make him work for you. “Difficult moments” will come.. The question is how you respond to those moments. Taking the good? Taking the bad? How are you “negative” in your life? Do you appreciate the good you have? Yes, some blind people would pay a million dollars to see what you see at any moment. Some people can not walk. Others can not hear. Should I continue to make you understand the point? YOU ARE LUCKY! Start concentrating on the good you have-then your goals in life. Without an appreciation for the good, it will be difficult to attract more good things — this is part of the laws in our world. START INVESTING IN YOURSELF. TODAY. FOCUS.